Should I buy a Mac Book Air or a Ultra Laptop PC?

My very first computer was a Mac laptop. It had a trackball, a 20MB hard disk and a monochrome monitor. I absolutely loved it. I purchased a modem for it, got an ISP and hooked up to the internet for the first time.It was like magic, surfing the infant internet and sending emails. My next few computers were all Macs as well and all laptops. (Believe it or not, I have never owned a desktop!)


Several years ago, I made a big decision. I wanted to see how the other half lived. I was tired of finding some software I wanted to download, only to find there was no Mac version, only PC. So like Anikan Skywalker, I crossed over to the dark side. I have owned and used several PC laptops since then. I ran Windows XP on most of them, and my newest runs Windows 7.


And recently, I have been looking at the newest Mac Book Air. There are two versions, one with an 11 inch screen and one with a 13 inch. Both are extremely light and portable, and have 128GB or 256GB flash storage. They both feature the newest Intel Core Processors which are designed to prolong battery use. The 11 inch is able to work up to 9 hours on a single charge, while the 13 inch can keep going for up to 12 hours. They are also equipped with 802.11ac. wifi which Apple claims is up to 3x as fast as their previous generation.


I am still undecided. I know that the PC world also offers what are now called ultra laptops. Very light, thin, portable laptops. However, anything I bought would have Windows 8 on it, and most of the reviews I have read have left me unimpressed. I know some people hate Macs on principle as others hate Window PCs on principle. One reason I am considering swtiching back is the newest incarnation of OS X, the Mac’s operating system. Mavericks, which is slated to come out this fall, will allow greater interaction between the your IPhone and your Mac. Also Ibooks will be available, so I can read on my Mac Book Air.


So what do you think? If you own the new Mac Book Air, I’d love to hear how you like it. Or maybe you thinkWindows 8 is great and I should try it. Mac or Windows, what should I go with it? Leave a comment, I’d really like to hear your opinion.

About unredundant

I am an American expat living in Tokyo, Japan. I love interacting with people so feel free to comment or ask questions. Thank you so much for dropping by!

Posted on August 12, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. MacBook Air. Best laptop available. Runs both Windows and OS X. Go for it.

    • Do you own one? If so which model did you get? I think the 13 inch sounds good. It’s a tsd bigger and heavier but you get more battery life and a little more screen space.

      • Mother-in-law in Japan got the smaller one when they first came out. She loves it and I was amazed at how light and portable it was. Amazing machine. My son would have gotten the 13″ but opted for the 15″ MacBook Pro for video editing. I recommend the 13″ for the reason of better battery life and easier viewing. It is still plenty small enough. Drop into a Mac store if you haven’t already and give it a them a test drive.

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